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My 2021 New Year's Resolutions

 In 2019, I made my New Year's Resolution to not drink in 2020. I had no idea what 2020 had in store, and I made it until RBG died, September 18th 2020, before I drank again. Even after, I hadn't had more than a few drinks at a time since. I still plan on not drinking or getting drunk, but it inspired me to make a ton of New Year's Resolutions for 2021.


I'm not sure if I'll make any of these come true, but if I could have some success on the last resolution, maybe I can be successful with a few more. I'm not comfortable sharing every goal, but there are a few that I think maybe fun to reflect on later! Two traditional goals, and two wardriving goals! 

1) Meatless Mondays
2) No Candy Wednesdays
3) Submit to Wigle every month
4) ....and the Grand Finale: Make an optimized trip half-way across the country in my truck!

The first two goals are based on my consumption. I eat way too much candy and I don't have to explain why that's bad - and I should probably go see the dentist. Reducing my metal consumption largely due to the fact that reducing meat consumption is a key part of reducing climate change. Also, it's 2021 and money is getting tight so it'll hopefully have a beneficial monetary impact as well. I feel equally attached to meat and candy, and these foods are big vices for me. 


Wigle has stats that are based on your overall monthly contribution and overall contribution. While it's not just important to Wigle each month for my stats, it's also important for the WiGLE team I am on. The WiGLE group stats page states this month and last month's stats too. You can check my current WiGLE stats in the sidebar of my site! This site -, hehe. Check it out below:

Thus, the main reason I made this goal is to contribute to my group stats. Last month (December 2020) I made a serious effort to get some good wardriving in, and I only found 25 thousand new WiFi networks. Kentaro and Aardvark scored more than me, per usual, with only their typical amount of effort. Brock (init_6_) and I basically haven't traveled at all in 2020, leaving to scores like his, 0s for the month.

 In order to avoid this, I must at least submit every month! Wardriving is actually a pretty secluded activity, so the biggest obstacle is optimizing the route. Speaking of optimizing routes, that leads to my next biggest goal. Stick around for my dedicated post about it next. I'm going to be saying Happy New Year the whole month of January this year. Merry 2021!

*Properly it's written WiGLE, but when I use it as a very I tend to write Wigle. I'm wrong, it's correctly WiGLE - don't come at me. 


  1. Awesome! Looking forward to congratulating you.

    1. Thank you very much for your support! I'll do my best :)


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